Housing and homelessness. Transitional age foster youth. Incarceration and recidivism rates.

These are only a few of the massive issues we’re grappling with today. At Leadership Savvy we believe that big messy problems require bold visions for change. As a result, we’ve seen time and again the power of innovative and unconventional partnerships. This unexplored territory can have its own challenges. First, you have unwieldy issues to address. Then you have the people factor. Necessary, but many personalities and opinions. Due to this, we see leaders get frustrated by how difficult managing partnerships can be. Which often leads to underperforming partnerships. It’s easier to go it alone,” they say.

We’ve found that going it alone may work for shorter term or for smaller problems, but larger, systemic issues find more success through strategic partnerships. Ok. We know you’re here, so you’re on board or at least open to collaborations. But the question stands, how do we actually make it work? Well you’re in luck. Today’s video walks you through a model called Collective Impact and its 5 conditions to success.

Through the dozens of community initiatives we’ve successfully led, these 5 conditions rang true. Watch this video below to learn what those 5 conditions are and how it worked for an education system and its broader community.

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