Consultants have played an important role for organizations through this pandemic. Helping organization leaders make emergency shifts during lockdown and supporting ongoing needs as the pandemic continued. A year later, there are some valuable lessons learned that will help shape the future.

Remote Work is Here to Stay

In a recent PWC survey, “over half of employees (55%) would prefer to be remote at least three days a week once pandemic concerns recede.” Yes, there will always be people who prefer to meet in person, but at least we now have the option to meet online. Online meetings tend to be shorter than in-person meetings, plus you can reach a wider geographic audience. When you don’t have to travel, people can more easily work it into their schedule. In-person meetings still have a role, but should make the most of people’s time together – doing what can’t be done online. Such as interactive rapport-building meetings and team building exercises. Pro-tip: Understand the preferences of who you’re working with and what they value to ensure you meet each other’s need online and off.

Expanding Networks During Lock Down

As things went in lockdown everyone had questions. Hundreds of free online events emerged to help people navigate and connect. Connections and resources once limited to a geographic area could now be accessed online. Consultants all over the nation have shifted their services to be able to be delivered online. As a consultant I have connected with over 1,000 people online through webinars, network groups, associations, LinkedIn, LunchClub, and a private braintrust. These connections have kept us going strong through the pandemic and we thank you. Pro-tip: Know what you want to network about, so you can prioritize your outreach.

Impossible Made Possible

In so many ways the pandemic pushed us in ways we never thought possible. Parents becoming the teachers? Meetings only online? Flu virtually eradicated? Living on one household income? People thinking about what they want out of life when the pandemic is over and realizing they can start now. They can text, pick up the phone, make zoom calls, or set up socially distanced meet ups with their closest friends and family. They are turning their side hustles in to their main hustle. Then there are those who are working from different states using sites like AirBnB, Home Exchange, or taking advantage of countries welcoming remote workers. If you’re feeling the itch. You’re not alone. Welcome to the YOLO Economy. Pro-tip: Take small steps to explore what’s possible, instead of waiting for the perfect time to take the big leap.

Want to hear from more consultant perspectives? Andy Robinson of Train Your Board recently published a 2-part series on “Consultants & Covid.” Leadership Savvy along with a number of consultants nationwide shared what changed due to the pandemic, and what we plan to keep post-pandemic.

Enjoy the read and please feel free reach out to share your reflections from this year.

We know it’s been a unique year. Let us know if we can support your business strategy.

We are also experts in the career coaching space. Contact us to see how we can help.