Hello! From an early age are taught to work hard and we’ll reap the rewards. When we advance professionally we are left to wonder why we are being passed up for promotions. As a career coach I see a lot of self doubt from very competent and accomplished people.

The problem with being so effective is we often hold ourselves back. We rationalize staying in place. We describe ourselves as worker bees versus leaders. Whether it’s you or society setting limits, barriers, or boundaries to your development or growth, let’s tackle them together. As a women, I have hit glass ceilings. As an Asian American, I’ve hit an additional layer, often called a bamboo ceiling.

A seat at the table

Throughout my career I’ve had the opportunity to serve in leadership roles, thanks to early lessons on relationship and team building. Couple that with good work and it was a sure recipe for professional success. But it had its limitations. I would have the power and clout, but often not offered an executive title or full seat at the strategy table.

In this video I don’t dwell on the ceilings I’ve hit, instead I reflect on some of my childhood experiences that influenced how I operated in the workplace. As an Asian American female I initially felt boxed in — there were assumptions that I and others put upon me. Looking back I now see the positive and negative impacts that shaped my journey. I share them with you to help you reflect on your journey and build paths to help you step in to leadership roles.

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